Many major changes were seen in the beginning of 2025. As the New Year approaches, more than 50 crore users of WhatsApp have received a big gift. With the arrival of 2025, a major change has been made on the world's largest instant messaging platform. This change has been made by NPCI. NPCI has now removed the onboarding limit for WhatsApp UPI. Crores of users are going to get huge benefits from this step of NPCI.
After the on-boarding limit for WhatsApp UPI is over, the messaging platform will now be able to provide UPI service across the country without any restriction. NPCI gave information about this new change to the users through its official X handle.
NPCI gave big relief to crores of customers
Earlier, NPCI had allowed WhatsApp Pay to increase the UPI user base under a process, but now by issuing a notification, NPCI has removed the user onboarding limit on WhatsApp Pay. NPCI wrote on its X post that the UPI user onboarding limit for WhatsApp Pay (TPAP) is being removed with immediate effect. Now the company will be able to provide UPI service to its full user base. Now all WhatsApp users can use WhatsApp Pay.
In the initial phase, the facility of WhatsApp Pay was introduced by NPCI for only a few users. However, in 2022, the company had extended the facility of online payment to up to 100 million users. Now NPCI has completely abolished the user limit. At present there are more than 500 million WhatsApp users in India who are going to get direct benefits of this decision.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.