Diljit Dosanjh has finally completed his Dil-Luminati India tour. The globally popular Punjabi singer-actor set the stage on fire on New Year's Eve in Ludhiana and got everyone tapping their feet. Diljit also shared a glimpse of the mega show on his Instagram handle. In a video shared by Diljit, thousands of people were seen thoroughly enjoying it as he performed his hit songs in the city. At the end of the video, Diljeet was seen thanking everyone. At the conclusion of his India tour, he bowed down from the stage. In the caption of his post, Diljit wrote, 'Check the vibe, Happy Happy New Year friends, this is my city Ludhiana, the grand finale of Dil-Luminati Tour can't be bigger than this.'
This tour started from Delhi
Diljit Dosanjh kicked off his Dil-Luminati musical tour in India with a mega show in Delhi in October this year. Later Diljit also performed his concerts in many other cities including Jaipur, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Bengaluru, Indore and Guwahati and became a superhit. However during his Chandigarh show on 14 December, Diljit announced that he would not host a concert in India again unless the government improved the concert infrastructure in India. Regarding this, Diljit had said, 'I want to tell the nominated officers that India does not have the infrastructure for live shows. This is a big revenue generating place. It also provides livelihood to many people. Please concentrate on this place also.
Diljit Dosanjh dominated in 2024
Let us tell you that the year 2024 has been very special for Diljit Dosanjh. This year, people also gave a lot of love to Diljit's film 'Amar Singh Chamkila' released on Netflix. People liked this film of director Imtiaz Ali very much. Diljit Singh Dosanjh played the role of Chamkila in the film. Parineeti Chopra was also seen in the lead role in this film. After this film, Diljit Dosanjh's career graph started rising overnight. After this film, Diljit has created a stir all over India with his musical tour. Not only this, Diljit's music tour Dilluminati has been very popular in India as well as abroad.
Image Credit: India_Tv.