On Friday, on the occasion of Salman Khan's 59th birthday, the makers of his upcoming action film 'Sikander' were going to release the teaser of AR Murugadoss's film. However, on Friday morning they announced that the teaser launch date has now been changed due to the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He has also announced the new date of teaser release of 'Sikander'. Salman Khan will be seen in a different style with the action-packed film.
Sikandar teaser release postponed
Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, Sajid Nadiadwala Production House and the backbone of 'Sikander', shared a post on its official Everyone is saddened by the demise of Sikander, we regret to announce that the release of Sikandar teaser has been postponed to 28th December 11:07 PM Is. Our thoughts are with the nation in this hour of mourning. Thank you for understanding. #TeamSikander.
Salman Khan will be seen doing action in Sikandar
A day before Salman Khan's birthday, the makers of his upcoming film 'Sikander' made fans happy by sharing his look from the project. Salman is seen carrying a spear in the poster. A glimpse of his action avatar can be seen in this powerful look. However, his face is hidden. Sharing the poster on Instagram, Salman announced that the teaser of the film will be shared on his birthday, December 27.
salman khan kick 2
Rashmika Mandanna also stars with Salman Khan in 'Sikander'. It will be released in theaters on Eid 2025. These days Salman is hosting 'Bigg Boss 18'. He will also be seen in Sajid Nadiadwala's 'Kick 2'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.