Kannada film industry veteran actor Shiva Rajkumar was admitted to the US on Wednesday, December 25. Now actor Rajkumar's family shared his health updates. He was battling cancer for a long time. The actor's problems were increasing for several days, due to which he had to undergo surgery for bladder cancer. According to the health update given by his family and doctors, Shiva Rajkumar's surgery was successful and now his condition is stable. The concern of the fans had increased after hearing about the actor's illness, but now the news of his recovery has made everyone relaxed.
How is Shiva Rajkumar's condition after surgery?
Giving an update about Shiva Rajkumar's surgery, Dr. Murugesh Manoharan said, 'At present he is fine and during the surgery we had to remove his bladder. We are happy that he is now feeling better than before. The first surgery was done today which was successful…he will be fine again after a few days' time. Apart from this, Shiva Rajkumar's family also gave a health update saying that 'The first surgery on Wednesday was successful and we are happy to tell that Shiva Rajkumar is fine now.'
Shiva Rajkumar will take a break after surgery!
Shiva Rajkumar has been kept under doctor's observation for a few days and according to his family's statement, Shiva Rajkumar has been fitted with an artificial bladder. Before leaving for America, Shiva Rajkumar had expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the constant love and support he has received from his fans. Now, the question is whether he is going to take a break from films or return to work after his recovery. No update has come out in this regard yet. Shiva, who has worked in more than 125 Kannada films. He started his career in 1974 with the film 'Srinivasan Kalyan'. He is known for his acting in films like 'Janumada Jodi', 'Chigurida Kanasu', 'Jogi', 'Anand', 'Rath Saptami' and 'Nammura Mandara Hoov', 'Om'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.