Shyam Benegal, known as the father of the Indian parallel cinema movement, is no more. On December 23, at the age of 90, he said goodbye to this world. There is mourning in the Bollywood industry due to the demise of Shyam Benegal. The director's last rites will be performed on December 24 at Shivaji Park Electric Crematorium in Mumbai. Preparations for his funeral are also going on and along with this, Bollywood stars arrived for his last darshan. His family members are also present in this hour of grief. The director's daughters Neera and Pia Benegal are looking after all the arrangements. Shyam Benegal was struggling with age related problems. He was also suffering from kidney problem for a long time.
Stars arrived for the last glimpse
Shabana Azmi shared information about the filmmaker's funeral on her Instagram Stories on Tuesday. The statement signed by Shyam Benegal's children Neera and Pia Benegal said the cremation will begin at 2 pm at the Shivaji Park Electric Crematorium. Now many videos before the funeral have also surfaced. In a video that has surfaced, Naseeruddin Shah is seen looking at the dead body. The actor is looking quite emotional while giving his last farewell to Shyam Benegal. During this time, many big stars like Rajat Kapoor, Ratna Pathak Shah, Kunal Kapoor are seen nearby. Many celebrities from the film industry have come to bid him a last farewell.
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celebrated birthday
Let us tell you, Shyam Benegal had turned 90 on December 14. On this special occasion, he also celebrated his birthday with his close friends and colleagues from the film world. On this occasion, he was seen smiling sitting on a chair among his friends. Shabana Azmi was also seen sitting next to him. The pictures of this celebration went viral and were much discussed.
History created with these films
Let us tell you, Shyam Benegal started his film journey with the film 'Ankur' released in the year 1973. He found his footing from the very first film. It also won box office success, critical praise and many awards. After this, many of his other films also became very popular. These include 'Manthan', 'Bhumika', 'Market Place', 'Junoon', 'Zubaida', 'The Making of Mahatma' and 'Sardari Begum'. All these stories raised complex social issues boldly.
This award was in the name of Shyam Benegal
Let us tell you, Shyam Benegal also received 18 National Awards for his amazing direction. Benegal was awarded the Padma Shri in the year 1976. After this he also received Padma Bhushan in the year 1991. In the year 2005, he was also awarded the highest film award Dada Dada Saheb Phalke Award.
Image Credit: India_Tv.