Spam calls have become the biggest headache for crores of mobile users. Every day, fake calls will be coming to your phone from some number or the other. Every year, scammers cheat crores of rupees through these fake calls. The government has made many changes in the rules to curb fake calls, but the trend of receiving fake calls is not stopping. Despite millions of efforts, some spam call is coming on the users' numbers. Telecom regulator and DoT have taken a lot of strict action in the past to curb spam calls. A fine of crores of rupees has also been imposed on telecom companies.
Android users can block spam calls on their phones. For this they will have to make a small setting in their phone. If you also use an Android smartphone, then we are telling you about a setting, after turning on which, spam calls will stop on your phone.
Make these small settings in your phone
Android smartphone users must first update their phones with the latest software.
For this, go to the phone's settings and type Software Update in the search given above.
After this check the new software for the phone.
When an update is available, update your phone and restart your device.
After this, go to the dialer i.e. calling app of your phone.
spam call
Tap on the three dots above and go to the next page.
Here you will get the option of Caller ID & Spam.
spam calls
Tap on it and go to the next page and turn on the toggles for See Caller and Spam ID and Filter Spam Calls.
In this way, every Spam Call coming to your phone will be filtered beforehand. If a number is reported by multiple users, you will be notified when a call comes. You can then manually block that number and prevent fraud through fake calls.
Information – In the new report of TRAI, Airtel, BSNL's silver, Jio, Voda suffered huge losses, lakhs of users decreased.
Image Credit: India_Tv.