In the year 2000, Shahrukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai and Amitabh Bachchan starrer 'Mohabbatein' was released, which created a lot of buzz among the audience. The film not only impressed people in those days but is also liked a lot even today. Many other actors were seen in Mohabbatein along with actors like Shahrukh-Aishwarya and Amitabh Bachchan. Many actors also made their acting debut with the film. The story of the film was based on a Gurukul. Three students of Gurukul break the rules and fall in love and one of their teachers stands with them in their fight. Uday Chopra, Shamita Shetty, Kim Sharma, Preeti Jhangiani, Jugal Hansraj and Jimmy Shergill were seen in important roles in Mohabbatein.
Preeti Jhangiani and Kim Sharma were seen together in Mohabbatein
In the film, Preeti Jhangiani played the role of Kiran and Kim Sharma played the role of Sanjana. Now a very cute video of these two actresses has surfaced. Actually, recently the reunion of these two actresses took place and its video is going viral on social media. Both of them met at some event, where both of them posed for paps together and were seen talking.
Seeing Preeti-Kim, fans remembered 'Mohabbatein'
Seeing both of them together, their fans once again remembered the film 'Mohabbatein'. Commenting on the video, users are talking about the film and natural beauty of both. While Preeti Jhangyani wore blue denim, black top and white blazer at the event, Kim wore blue denim, white top and black blazer. Seeing the similar looks and natural beauty of both, fans say that these actresses still look very young.
Preeti has not been seen in any film for a long time
At the event, Preity and Kim held each other's hands and were seen enjoying each other's company. A fan commented on the video – 'Our Kiran and Sanjana both look like sisters.' One wrote- 'Natural beauty without surgery. These are called actresses. Let us tell you that Preeti has stayed away from acting for a long time. She was last seen in the 2005 film 'Chahat'. Talking about Kim Sharma, she too has not been seen in any film for a long time. But, Kim remains very active on social media and remains connected with fans.
Image Credit: India_Tv.