Are troubled by increasing weight. For this, even if you take a healthy diet and exercise from time to time, you are not getting the desired results. If the same is happening with you, then your lifestyle may also be the reason behind it. Let us tell you how weight does not reduce even after working out.
Why is weight increasing?
– You eat high carbohydrate dinner at night, that is why your weight increases.
– If you take excessive stress or remain worried, your weight gets affected.
– Eating food late at night.
– Instead of losing muscles by doing very heavy workouts, you gain strength.
Some women also gain weight during periods.
– If you do not get enough sleep, weight gain will occur.
– Do not consume foods high in salt and sodium. This causes the problem of water retention in the body.
How to know if weight loss is occurring
– Keep in mind that weight loss occurs due to exercise.
– There has been a change in the size of the clothes or the fitting has changed.
– Makes the body feel fresher and stronger, making weight training easier than ever.
Image Credit: Prabha_Sakshi.