Missing Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, has been out of the race for the 97th Oscar Award-2025. India was the official entry for Oscars 2025, but the film failed to make it to the top 10. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the shortlist in 10 categories for the upcoming 97th, with 'Missing Ladies' missing out. Indian fans will be disappointed by this news. Produced under the banners of Aamir Khan Productions, Kindling Pictures and Jio Studios, Missing Ladies was released in theaters on March 1 this year. However, 'Santosh' managed to make its place in the top 15. This film has been directed by British-Indian director Sandhya.
Missing ladies out of Oscar race
The film's team, including director Kiran Rao and producer Aamir Khan, had already started the campaign for the Academy Awards. Recently the film was also screened in London. Last month, a new poster of the film was released with the title Lost Ladies. This highlighted a change for international audiences, as the Hindi word lapata was translated into the English word lost.
story of missing ladies
The film stars Nitanshi Goyal, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Srivastava, Ravi Kishan and Chhaya Kadam. Set in rural India, Missing Ladies revolves around the story of two new brides who get swapped on a train. One track from the film 'Sajni' is still liked today and is the most popular on social media. On Spotify India, it is one of the top tracks of 2024 and has been streamed over 186 million times.
Aamir Khan's Lagaan made it to the top 5
Aamir Khan's classic 'Lagaan' was the last Indian film to enter the top 5 nominations in the Best International Feature Film category (formerly known as Best Foreign Film) at the Oscars 2002. Apart from Lagaan, films like 'Mother India' in 1957 and 'Salaam Bombay' in 1988 had made their way to the Oscars.
Image Credit: India_Tv.