Varun Dhawan is all set to create a stir among the audience with 'Baby John' directed by Keels. This action-thriller will be released on the big screen on December 25, 2024, on the occasion of Christmas. Since the film is co-produced by Atlee Kumar, Varun Dhawan fans started speculating that the upcoming film could be an official remake of Atlee's 2016 release 'Theri'. Thalapathy Vijay was seen in the lead role in this film. Now Varun Dhawan has also reacted to these claims.
Is Baby John a remake of Theri?
Refuting the claims that Baby John is a remake of Theri, Varun has now come forward and said that Baby John is not a scene-by-scene remake of the film but an 'adaptation'. In an interview with India Today, Varun Dhawan said that Atlee came up with the script in which a lot had to be changed due to the 'geography of the film'. He also said that those expecting a book-by-book remake of Theri will be disappointed.
What did Varun Dhawan say next?
Varun Dhawan further says- 'When Atlee brought this film, there was a reason behind it and he said that we had to change a lot in the film. “We have to treat it as an adaptation and not a remake and I think that's what we've done,” he said. As you can see, there are lots of frames and lots of different angles to the story. So, if anyone is expecting a book by book remake, they will be disappointed as the film is not that. This is an adaptation. We're not running away from that, but it's really inspired by the film.
about the movie
Apart from Varun Dhawan, Vamika Gabbi and Keerthy Suresh also play important roles in the film. Baby John is Varun's 18th film in the lead role and was originally titled VD18, but was later changed to Baby John. The music of the film is composed by Thaman S. In the film, Varun Dhawan plays the character of Satya Verma who is a senior police officer. He fakes his death and goes underground to raise his daughter Khushi after a personal tragedy.
Image Credit: India_Tv.