Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are the power couple of Bollywood, whom everyone loves. The couple has been living in London since Anushka's second pregnancy. However, Anushka's new Instagram photo has left fans guessing whether she is back in Mumbai. It seems that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were out for a stroll in Mumbai on Thursday. Although the couple didn't post any photos from their brunch date, the café they went to posted several photos of them. Where his fans appreciated the pictures. Now there are speculations whether the couple has now completely shifted to Mumbai?
had dinner together
On Thursday, several pictures of Virat and Anushka were posted on the official Instagram account of Café Benne located in Bandra, Mumbai. In the first picture, Virat and Anushka are seen posing with the cafe staff. Anushka is standing in front, smiling, wearing a white T-shirt and a khaki loose shirt over it. Virat is standing behind them, wearing a cap with his white shirt. The second picture shows the bill for the food he ordered, while the third picture has Virat's autograph on a cap. Apart from this, there is also a fourth picture in which an employee was added to the photo with the help of Photoshop since he was not present at the spot.
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speculations are being made
On Thursday, Anushka Sharma shared a picture of Juhu Beach on her Instagram, where people are seen celebrating Chhath Puja. While sharing the picture on her Insta story, Anushka wrote, 'Happy Chhath Puja.' Now speculations are rife that the couple has finally returned to Mumbai. However, it is possible that he may have come to Mumbai just for a visit. Neither Virat Kohli or Anushka Sharma has said anything about this. However, it is also being said that the Australia-India Test series is going to start from November 22, so the couple can leave for there before that. Akay, son of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, was born in London. Even after the birth of Akay, Anushka is rarely seen in India. This started the discussion that Anushka and Virat are gradually shifting to London permanently.
Image Credit: India_Tv.