The case of shooting of two people on the day of Diwali in Delhi's Shahdara area has left people scared. On the evening of Diwali, a man and his minor nephew were shot dead in the floor market of Shahdara. The police have arrested the minor accused in this case. After his arrest, the accused has made many big revelations in the murder case. The investigation so far has revealed that two people were murdered over a dispute related to only Rs 70 thousand.
Money was given to the shooter
Delhi Police has informed that the minor accused who has been arrested is a distant relative of the deceased. The accused has claimed during police interrogation that he had a financial dispute of Rs 70 thousand with the deceased Akash Sharma. For this reason he had conspired to murder her. According to the police, the 17-year-old minor accused had given money to the shooter for the murder.
shot after touching the feet
The criminals first touched the feet of Akash Sharma in Shahdara and then opened fire on him. After this, his 16 year old nephew Rishabh and 10 year old son Krish were also shot. Akash and Rishabh died. Meanwhile, Krish is admitted in the hospital where he is undergoing treatment. The victims were celebrating Diwali outside their house in Farsh Bazar area of Shahdara when they were attacked at around 8 pm.
Efforts continue to catch the shooter
Image Credit: India_Tv.